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Submit an Abstract

Abstract proposals of between 250 - 300 words are due by January 15, 2025, no later than 11:59 PM EST.  Abstracts can be submitted in the following areas:

  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences and Business
  • Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • Engineering and Computer Science

Look for the following line in the InfoReady system:

Image of the abstract portal

Students may choose to submit in one of four formats:

Best Essay Awards

Students who wish to be considered for the Best Essay Awards must also upload their full essay for consideration in the abstract submission portal by the January 15, 2025 deadline. Essays should be between 10 - 12 pages (not including a bibliography), using 10 - 12 point font.    

Awards will be given for essays submitted in the four categories listed above (Humanities, Social Sciences and Business, Natural Sciences, and Engineering and Computer Science).

Note: Only students who propose a conference presentation are eligible to submit for the Best Essay Awards.